Banking will never be the same

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Today, the ladies of the now defunct Security State Bank met to relive old times.

The banking system operated in Starkville, Mississippi and two other communities for almost a century. It weathered the Great Depression and two World Wars, but in the end, gave way to a buy out by a bigger system. (You would know it today as Regions.)

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From left, Waanda (no typo), Mary Ann, Annette and Alice were the ones who REALLY ran the main office. The bank president just thought he did.

Banking will never be the same than those good old days when Security State had a lion’s share of the local market.  Back then, you had a personal banker who made your car loans, home loans and managed your investments.  Your personal banker was your friend, often your neighbor, and he/she sat by you in church and at civic club meetings.

If you had a problem they would pay your overdraft and forget about the charges. You never imagined that your banker would (gulp)  fleese you…steal your money and run away to Aruba. Never would have happened.

The bank provided a coffee shop manned by the always smiling Annie, who also served donuts to the world on Fridays.

My, how times have changed.  You call the bank today and you’re likely to get the roboswitchboard in Nashville or Hobokin. You wonder if your money has been sent to China.

Will the Bank of China send you a note that you are now being charged $100 a month in service fees?  Think about it.

One thought on “Banking will never be the same

  1. I remember some of these ladies! I was a secretary to Ivan Hand for a few years while my husband was a student at MSU and worked in the old bank, then moved to the new building! I went back last year and it was so sad…nothing was the same. Those were wonderful people and I treasure those times!

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