Slow dancing into the new year


turtle winning the race against a rabbit

In this rush, rush rush world where we are driven my materialism, multi-tasking seems an absolute requirement.  Trying to keep up with the madness, I have lost the art of taking time to myself to think, be creative, and dream. 
Maybe the New Year is the perfect time to fall in love with the process and give up on the “end-game fantasy”. No big “pie in the sky” resolutions for me this year.  Only one:  to slow down – to sip life instead of gulping it down. Maybe if I can tame that crazy little drunk monkey living in my head, I can focus on the small and doable and watch for a gradual transformation rather than the radical “change your life in one week” lost causes.  

Up for an indelicate subject?

bad rebel

I haven’t had time to post anything on the Deluded website for a while for one simple reason.  I’ve been out walking my 14-year old Boston Terrier – pretty much around the clock.  And for not his health and sanity.  For mine.

Poor ole Rebel Dawg has become incontinent, stone deaf and pretty much blind. But just because my best friend has made my life inconvenient doesn’t make me love him any less.  It HAS forced me to rethink my life along with my heretofore questionable possession of any sophistication whatsoever. Continue reading

Finding courage in unlikely places


Yesterday I reached one of those milestone years.  Thanks to that world menace, Facebook, now everyone knows which one.  Let’s just say I have 364 days remaining before I enter my 70s.

As I mulled over how to spend this wealth of days, I got a call from my friend who sounded literally on top of the world.  She had discovered the meaning of life in the span of about 35 minutes.

“I finally cleaned out my refrigerator and now I am quitting my job to open my own shop,” she announced. I was so inspired by her discovery of the secret of courage, that I went immediately to my refrigerator and surveyed a world so scary I may stop eating cold food.  I decided to incorporate The One Minute Rule.  For one minute, I did what I could to clean up that toxic waste dump. Continue reading

Too little butter, or too much bread?

butterI’m always looking for the hidden messages from God which appear to us all the time.  Unfortunately we’re usually too busy or distracted to notice.

I’ve begun looking for messages from above which are embedded in common occurances I believe.  Take yesterday ror example: I attempted to move a truck load of groceries into the house,  As usual I was rushing and trying to carry too many at once.  As I opened the back door one bag slipped from my grip

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