The Deluded Diva

Getting Happy

Happy wandered in from outer space yesterday.

Okay.  I’ve officially lost my mind.  While trying to get over the loss of Lucky Dawg and Rebel, my 15-year old puppies who died within three weeks of each other, I suddenly find myself with two new puppies and I’m back right where I was.  I’m rehouse-training two new puppies named Lucky Too (II) and Happy.

Hey give me a break.  I have no grandchildren and next time you show me photos on your Iphone of your grandchildren. I”ll have something to show you!


Happy joins my already expanding family which includes P.Diddie who I found as a newborn in my flower bed.  She was blind in one eye and I guess she was abandoned by her mother who wanted only perfect children (a condition which never has and never will exist since the Madonna gave birth to Jesus.

The newest addition, Happy, was a soon to be homeless dog which I immediately adopted and brought home with me yesterday.  It was love at first sight.  She is an unknown variety I have named the Ewoc breed because I’m pretty sure she is from outer space.

For all you animal-less people out there, you should give this adoption thing a try. A month ago it was just P.Diddie (the homeless cat pictured above on the mantle where she sleeps).Then Happy sauntered right into my house and relieved herself on my living room rug which I guess has been used for such activity in the past by someone (just hope it wasn’t me).

So now I’m a Happy girl again and looking for a house sitter to come stay so I can go to the coast with my other girls next month.

Warning don’t come near my house when we are fighting.  A house full of females can be scarry.



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