Several people have asked if we’re still preparing for the half marathon in Nashville in April. I don’t blame them for being skeptical, since I rarely finish anything I begin. Granted, the New Year is still young, but this feels different somehow – maybe because I have support.
My running buddies aren’t going to let me slide. We’ve picked up a fourth teem member and we’re right on track. We ran/walked 6.2 miles yesterday after church for our “long” training day. It was beyond invigorating. In fact, I haven’t felt so good since I got my junior swimming badge in 1956. Of course, we capped off the work-out by going to City Bagel for BLTs and Girtle Busters. NO GUILT!
Believe it or not, I only had one small corner of Judy’s humongous gooey bar. After working that hard, I wasn’t about to cave.
Next week, we do seven miles on our “long day.” In the meantime, I’ll do my lonely three miles in The Hump – the nickname for Humphrey Coliseum – located on the campus of Mississippi State University, a stone’s throw from my house. I can’t use sub-freezing temperatures or rain and sleet as an excuse.
I bought some new running shoes, plus those “walk-fit” thingies you see advertised on television. Let me tell you, they deliver. Judy bought me some of those new-age ear muffs which are much more attractive than the ones my mother made me wear to grammar school.
We’re locked and loaded.
I’m also cutting way back on by scotch and cigars.