I’m not above buying friendship and what better currency than bounty from my garden? Continue reading
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Culinary marathon in Noshville
We’ve begun calling it Noshville rather than Nashville, because it seems our favorite activity is noshing down all kinds of food – low country, high brow, and everywhere in between. This weekend we participated in another marathon – this time involving the taste buds.
Above you can see Mr. Hamburger Head. That’s my son, William, with a hamburger that defied imagination. Continue reading
Chain saw massacre in Mississippi
My friend, Putt, cut church on Sunday to stay home and change the blade on her chain saw. In the process she massacred the tool. Here are her 51 easy steps to change the blade – female style. (Serves her right for cutting church.)
1. Wait until husband is out of town and all friends are at church.
2. Put on best robe. This is simple task, and there is no need to look sloppy just to work in the garage.
3. Locate chain saw. Continue reading
Early Light: Let’s ‘hang’ together on July 4 holiday
Old Glory flying over beautiful Lake Travis in Austin, Texas
As Americans, we celebrate our independence from the British on this day. July 4th commemorates the approval of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. No it wasn’t signed on this day – just approved. The actual signing didn’t take place until a month later. Continue reading
Not a good way to energize yourself
Picture this. She wakes up early in the morning. It is the 25th day of May – the day she takes her monthly osteoporosis medication, Fosamax.
Bleery-eyed, she stumbles into the bathroom and retrieves the pill from her medicine cabinet, rips it from its shrink wrapped cardboard and gulps it down with a glass of water. Satisfied she was done with that for another month, she starts her day, feeling strangely energized.
Two hours later, as she straightens up the bathroom, she finds an empty wrapper for her hearing aid battery on the sink beside her water glass.
Jumping jitters! She has swallowed her hearing aid battery instead of the pill! She rushes to the phone to call her doctor, thinking surgery might be in order. He tells her not to worry, it wouldn’t break down and metabolize, and all would be fine in a few days.
This is a true story. It happened to a friend of mine and we’ve gotten many a good laugh out of that episode. Don’t let this happen to you. You might want to store your batteries in your tool box instead of the medicine cabinet.